Estelle Belrose

Born to Idina and Victor in Ishgard, Estelle is the oldest of two children and grew up on one of the many farms in Coerthas. She studied archery to be like a protector over the farm as her brother helped their father tend to the field and animals.Unfortunately, they lost everything in the Calamity. They were one of many families stuck in the same situation, turned away by the Holy See-- practically forced into the Brume. She grew to resent her homeland, the high houses... how they were able to life comfortably while a lot of them struggled to even go a day with a meal to eat.There was word of a better future-- with Lady Iceheart to lead the way, rising from the snowfall of those hurting...The Heretics.It felt like forever that she and her family were out in that snow, waiting ... and waiting ... and waiting. They grew tired of it-- even though that they know it's wasn't Iceheart's fault. She had left to try to end the war, but a few in the camp wanted it to keep going...Growing frustrated, they fled to Gridania to start a new life-- a new farm, new beginnings...